Distance: 50.4 miles
Elevation: 1382 ft
Rating: 2/3 L
No Drop: Y
Start Time: 9:00 a.m.
Start/End Location: Mike's Bikes 6754 Bernal Ave, Pleasanton
Ride Host Name: Chris Pham
Coffee Stop: Starbucks at mile 31.4
SAG Support: TBD
Ride Details: This is the 9th of 12 Feather Pedals Conditioning Rides in the Cinderella Series. This ride goes out Vineyard through Livermore with the first Potty Stop at Sycamore Park at mile 8.5 then continue through the Vineyards and out through Cross Rd Farmlands. Then we head to Vasco Starbucks for our 2nd stop for a coffee break just past mile 31. Then out to North Livermore and up Portola to Murrieta and wind our way back to Pleasanton via Jack London
We will break into A - 15+ mph average B- 13-15 mpg average and C - New group riders and less than 13 mph.
Disclaimer: All participants must register online on the VSBC website or via the Wild Apricot app in order to participate in this ride. You do not need to be a VSBC member to participate, but we expect that you will become a member if you ride with us more than 3 times during a calendar year.
Link to Ride with GPS: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45910884
Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) webmaster@valleyspokesmen.org